Collection Useful Link for OSINT and Threat Hunting

Jeffry Gunawan
2 min readOct 1, 2022


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These resources will continually be updated and collected from various sources (The latest update was 1/10/2022). There is so much that can be done using this resource.

What can be achieved using this link?

For special case investigations that can be used by Digital Forensic Investigators, journalists, Researchers, Threat Hunters, Police, Crime Analysts, Trainers, CTF players, Hoax Busters, Intelligence agents, etc.

Category :

  1. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Many links will refer to OSINT because many people share it. You can do many things with OSINT, like hoax investigation, tracking people by email, phone, photo, satellite, cryptocurrency transactions, etc.

2. Cyber Threat Intelligence

You can collect, process, and analyze data to understand cybercriminals’ motives, targets, and behavior.

3. Digital Forensic

Search for stolen items on the dark web, track traffic, and flights, leak database, etc.

4. Resources for Assessments Cybercrime Scenario

Can help hackers to carry out information gathering or profiling. More detail such as social media to publicly available privacy information, identifying hackers’ digital footprints, tracking people, etc.

5. Learning CTF or Cyber Security Related

Resource learn cyber security from basic for ethical hacker / cyber defender, and you can find an idea for research to cyber security related.

Here is the link :

Thanks for Surabaya Hacker Link for the platform.

Let me know if you have any other incredible resources. Comment here or in the forum :D



Jeffry Gunawan

Cyber Security Consultant | CEH(P), CHFI, ECIH, CSA, CSCU, SC200,400,300,900